Itchy and Papa

August 27, 2013  •  1 Comment

This morning i got to catch up with a young lady i haven't seen in over two and a half years. She lives several states away, so it hasn't worked out to get a portrait session to match up with visits to Michigan. But it worked out today. i delighted in how she really is a whole human with a vocabulary and she is smart as a whip. Her mom wanted her photos today to be about her daughter with her grandparents. This little miss lovingly calls her grandparents Itchy and Papa. 

["Itchy" is a super cute name for a grandma. Until she is in the store, calling out in public for "IIIIIITCHY!" ... or so i hear.] :)

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My heart is bursting with excitement over the preview, you ALWAYS amaze me with your talent!!! Aciu!
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