Images Are Not Eternal

September 29, 2020  •  2 Comments

About three years ago I went to the closing wherein I was the purchaser. I recognized the sellers, since we had gotten friendly in the transferring of the property. Obviously I recognized my real estate agent. The closer identified herself. And then there was a person in the room who never identified herself. She looked vaguely familiar, but never granted me the benefit of introduction.

Upon leaving with the keys and garage door openers in hand, I inquired to my agent who was at the table. Turns out, it was the seller's real estate agent. As much as her image is on her signs and business cards, she didn't look a thing like that photograph anymore. You may not think about updating your photos, but you should. And I know, I'm guilty of dragging my feet on this, too.

Today I had the help of my budding videographer son who snapped up an updated headshot for me. I picked the spot and set the dials, and then did what is the hardest for me to do: got in front of the lens. He did a great job of breaking the ice by saying things like "I love you" and "Show me your
tiger face." Haha! (Things I do not say when shooting, but might have to start!)  Screen Shot 2020-09-29 at 2.49.28 PMScreen Shot 2020-09-29 at 2.49.28 PM

Here is my retired website image. It's a fine photo, just 100% outdated. Vintage, you might say. The thing is, you have to take an image out of circulation for a while in order for it to become vintage. Using it while your weight, hairstyle, glasses, and hair color change fools no-one. 

My website has been updated with my new image. Now when people see me, they'll be able to easily connect me to my image! If you're in need of updated photos, show me your tiger face! 517.917.4302

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LAF Lines Photography
Well, thanks so much for that, Regina! Just as I was lamenting gravity! ;)
You’re more beautiful with each added year.
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