2021: Sunflowers

August 15, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Though not the norm, it is not unusual for a senior to have two sessions. Sometimes they are spread over different seasons, to capture the changes in Michigan. Other times it's a matter of getting braces off or something of the sort. This senior's two sessions were close together in time, but distant in location. We went from a vintage car lot to a semi-rural field of sunflowers. Both backdrops lended themselves to capture this senior's creative spirit. She even dressed accordingly to location, which I enjoyed! I appreciate breaking up the sessions, because it gives the subject a chance to rest and refresh. Unless you're a professional model, it's kind of tough to be camera ready for multiple hours. I'm thrilled I got to snap up this girl and follow her creativity to such fab locations! I'm excited for her to take on senior year!



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