2021: Downtown Lights

July 23, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

If you've not yet worked with me, you might not know that I am constantly checking the weather for our shoots. The weather for this day was seemingly iffy, but promised to clear up. I don't know if the meteorologists got lucky, or if I just so happen to have a reliable app., but we had great air and light for our shoot! I amplified with some flash and gels, just to mix things up a bit.

I enjoyed working with this senior. She knows who she is, and I find that quite admirable. She's considering my alma mater for college, so we had plenty to discuss! My knowledge of Saint Mary's College is dated, but I think there are some qualities that stand up to the test of time. I have my fingers crossed that she'll like it when she visits. She's planning to become a nurse and is entertaining the option of being a traveling nurse which would combine her love of travel and her profession. How cool is that!?

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