Turning One

June 14, 2020  •  2 Comments

It's such a pleasure for me to catch up with my LAF Lines Photography families! I love to see how the little ones are growing! I haven't seen this little guy since his newborn shoot. Now he's walking around like it's no big deal! His big sister still dotes on him and cares for him. I let the kids wander and play, and snapped them when the time was right. Of course, we're always on the hunt for that "perfect" family photo. One lesson I've learned over the course of my years behind the lens is that the more interesting and easier photos to capture are when the kids are doing their own thing. I chased a speeding car, ducked under a table, and counted down for a flower petal toss! We ended our playtime with a cake smash which was equal parts adorable and messy!

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LAF Lines Photography
Thanks for saying so, Lisa! I concur, these little ones are simply adorable!! :)
Lisa Cram(non-registered)
Seriously though...my grandkids are the most adorable little beings...and the Laflines manages to capture those best moments❤️❤️
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